CULTURE CORNER: Christina Bogdan, Division Advisor & Publisher

Q: Tell us about where you live, your husband, children and grandchild(ren?), and what you did before coming to DE.

A: I live in Holland PA with my husband Tom. We have eleven children ranging from 31 to 10 years old, one son-in-law, and one grandchild, who is thirteen months old.

Q: When was your start with DE? Who made an impact on you when you first started?

A: I first heard about DE while listening to Relevant Radio on my drive to work. It took me months to take the leap to apply, but hearing Dave Durand speak about “Beginning Again”, I knew I had to trust that this was what the Lord wanted me to do.

Q: What do you love most about being a publisher?

A: I love talking with other business owners every day, but most of all having the opportunity to reach thousands of local Catholics in their homes every month. Sharing the Gospel with them and praying that God will use our magazines to reach their hearts.

Q: If you could go anywhere for a 10 day vacation, where would you go?

A: I would love to go to the Holy Land!

Q: What is your favorite utensil/appliance in your kitchen?

A: My family gave me a KitchenAid Stand Mixer a few years ago. I love it!