The Three C’s of Branding (And how DE Can Help!)

As a busy business, it is easy to fall into a mindset of leaving branding at the bottom of your to-do list. But investing your time and money in branding your company can establish your business with your customer base and set your company up for years to come – and it’s never too late to start!

When looking at how to brand your company, be sure to utilize the three C’s of branding: clarity, consistency, and commitment [1]. On all three of these aspects, DE publications can support businesses looking to establish themselves soundly within the community and customer base.

  1. Clarity – Clarity is needed on both sides of your brand: your consumers should clearly understand your company, what it does, and what it stands for, while on the other hand, you need clarity on who your audience is and what grabs their attention. By advertising in a Decided Excellence (DE) magazine, you are placing yourself in a niche market of Catholic communities and consumers that are engaged with the Catholic content in the magazines.  This keeps them invested and interested as they see your ad in the magazine.
  2. Consistency – The best way to ensure a consumer turns to your business when they need it is to consistently be in front of them BEFORE they need you.  In a 2019 State of Brand Consistency study [2] by Lucidpress, brands estimate that revenue would increase by 33% if they maintained consistency. By using consistent logos, fonts, and colors in your ad month after month, readers (and consumers) recognize and internalize your ad.  Print media has been proven as the best medium for retention [3] of marketing messages and, in addition to providing design services (you provide the logo, wording and any other assets and our designers put together beautiful, professional ad), DE delivers this trusted media right to your consumers’ doorstep every month.
  3. Commitment – As mentioned above, consumers should know your brand before they even needed it.  A strong commitment to building your brand is key1. DE offers up to contracts up to 36 months, ensuring that your business is placed in front of consumers regularly over time.  They may not your services this year, but next year when a need arises, they have already seen and retained your information.  A long commitment in a trusted print publication and reap benefits for years to come!



[1] It’s time to strengthen your small business brand identity.


[3] The Association of Magazine Media, 2021 Fact Book.