Love is in the Air: Help Your Customers Fall in Love With Your Brand Again & Again

When considering spending advertising dollars, companies are always looking for the best bang for their buck.  It may seem there is always some new take on how to optimize advertising, but there are some tried and true strategies that have proven to give businesses return on their advertising investment.

Play to Emotions

According to Allie Decker in The Ultimate Guide to Advertising in 2019, “people rely on emotions, rather than information, to make brand decisions. Emotional responses to ads influence a person’s intent to buy more than the actual ad content.” [1] Not only can you utilize this strategy in the design of your specific ads, but this also applies to the medium you use for advertising.  By advertising in DECM magazines, readers appreciate that you publicly align yourself with the values they believe in. 

A Sense of Belonging

A faith community provides the ultimate sense of community.  Many consumers want to be sure to use the services their peers are using.1 By advertising in a faith-based magazine, you not only foster good feelings of happiness and charity, but also become a trusted source for readers as they look to see who their fellow community members use.

Sharing is Caring: Use Your Story to Your Advantage

According to Jay Deutsch, CEO of BDA, the largest branded merchandise agency, “relationship marketing as a brand’s ability to create an emotional connection with the consumer.” [2] To maximize your relationship marketing, take advantage of the Professional Spotlight advertising in DECM magazines. You can share personal experience, advice and even your story of how your business came to be in one of our Professional Spotlight articles. This builds camaraderie and credibility while also getting your brand in front of potential customers on a repetitive basis. [3]


[1] Decker, Allie. The Ultimate Guide to Advertising in 2019.”

[2] Olenski, Steve.  “This is the Most Important Word When It Comes to Relationship Marketing.”

[3] Di Somma, Mark. 9 Strategies to Revive Your Brand,