Why Niche Marketing Works

DECM publications utilize niche marketing – “a form of marketing geared toward a very specific population.” [1] Our magazines are delivered directly to homeowners in your community that have the interest, the location and the ability to utilize the services of your business. But why is niche marketing more effective than other marketing strategies? Let’s take a look at what it is and how this strategy can benefit your business.

What is Niche Marketing?

“According to the University of Arizona, niche markets are segments within your larger target audience that have similar demographic, buying behavior and lifestyle characteristics.” [2] DECM publications target local, Catholic homeowners, arriving directly in their homes every month. The content in our magazines is Catholic in nature, which encourages this niche demographic to pick up and read the magazine – increasing the likelihood of your advertising being seen and remembered.

Niche Marketing Fosters Relationships

When utilizing niche marketing, you are more likely to build deeper, more lasting relationships with your clients.  Niche marketing is known to create more word-of-mouth due to the fact that “people in a niche tend to be in frequent contact with others in that niche.” [3] By advertising in a DECM community magazine, you are placing your business in front of a tightknit community that are likely to recommend your services and products to each other.

Show Your Expertise

By targeting a specific audience interested in your services, niche marketing allows you to set yourself apart from your competitors. [4] One way to amplify this effect is to sign up or upgrade to a Professional Spotlight.  As a Professional Spotlight, you will be listed as the expert in your industry and have the opportunity to submit an article to demonstrate your expertise, and “for most customers, expertise is more important than size or brand name.” [5]


[1] Archer, Clare. 7 Benefits to Niche Marketing. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-niche-companies-marketing-25788.html


[2] McCormick, Kristen. The Advantages of Niche Marketing. https://thrivehive.com/niche-marketing-small-business/


[3] McCormick, Kristen. The Advantages of Niche Marketing. https://thrivehive.com/niche-marketing-small-business/


[4] McCormick, Kristen. The Advantages of Niche Marketing. https://thrivehive.com/niche-marketing-small-business/


[5] McCormick, Kristen. The Advantages of Niche Marketing. https://thrivehive.com/niche-marketing-small-business/