Make it Happen! How Print Advertising Encourages Action

Whenever a business looks to advertise, they want to know that their money is well spent; that those advertising dollars bring more consumers to their business.  While the advertising game can seem like a shot in the dark, the good news is that advertising in print has been proven to result in more consumer action than any other medium.

According to research completed by MRI-Simmons & Starch Advertising Research in 2020, 68% of consumers take action as a result of seeing print advertising, with 17% actually recommending the product or service they saw. The actions taken include considering purchasing, recommending the product, visiting the advertiser’s website and clip and save the ad. [1]

Ads in magazines are found to be “more engaging and valued than ads in other media.” [2] Because of this mindset, readers are primed to to be “open to learning about new products” or “trying new things”. In fact, 48% of readers say they are open to learning about new products and 41% are open to trying new things “as a result of what they experience through the printed page.” [3]

Even if the readers don’t take action themselves, heavy magazine readers (read 1 hour or more a day) “engage in the most brand conversations – 34% higher than the general public!” [4] Be sure that you tap into this consumer base that is ready to take action and spread the word about your business and partner with Decided Excellence Catholic Media today!


[1] MRI-Simmons & Starch Advertising Research in 2020


[2] MPA Factbook 2021


[3] Barber, Tamara. The Power of Magazine Engagement, MRI Simmons. 2020.


[4] Engagement Labs July 2020 – June 2021