BE THE BEST: Branding with Decided Excellence Helps Build Trust

The best things are things that last.  And the best way to market your business is through a long-term advertising campaign.  According to research noted in Journal of Marketing, sustained advertising results in increased profits and sales response. Through a sustained advertising campaign that continues month after month, you can build brand recognition and a reputation trust.

By creating a sustained marketing campaign with Decided Excellence Media, you can gain all the benefits of consistent, top-of-mind marketing:

  • Consistency = Clarity.  By repeatedly getting your advertisement to potential customers each month, you provide a clear and effective message. 2
  • Stay on Top. When customers see your advertisement every month, your business will be top of mind when a need arises for your services and expertise.  They may not need your services every month, but when they do, you will be their first call.
  • Be David.  Beat the Goliath. By advertising in a DECM magazine, you get the advantage of a hyper-targeted audience.  This provides a great advantage over national chains and big box stores.  By being part of the community and advertising consistently, you build trust with the community your serve and stand out against the distant national chains.

Stay a step ahead.  Although most businesses first turn to their marketing funds when costs needed trimming, stick with your plan or even consider increasing your marketing funds.  Suddenly, your potential customers will stop seeing your competitor’s ads and only see yours.


2 Waller, Lauren. Inkling Creative.